Feiyang Sun
Assistant Teaching Professor
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
University of California San Diego
UCSD Faculty Page
Dr. Sun received his Ph.D. from the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Urban Design and Planning at the University of Washington in 2021. During his Ph.D., he has earned the Hubert M. Blalock Fellowship from the Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences and the Urban Design and Planning Faculty Medal Award. At the University of Washington, he has taught real estate data modeling and visualization classes in the Runstad Department of Real Estate and Infrastructure Finance and capstone classes in the Online Master of Infrastructure Planning and Management Program. His research applies economic theories and empirical research methods to address emerging trends and challenges in urban infrastructure and real estate markets. Examples of his ongoing research include governance of urban spatial data and surveillance technologies, renewable energy building technologies and incentive policies, economic resilience of small businesses under disruptive events, and economics of mixed-use development. He will offer courses at UCSD on real estate development principles, development processes, and real estate data modeling.