Abdul-Aziz Alqadhib, prefers to be called Aziz, is a Ph.D. student in Urban Design and Planning at the University of Washington. He has been a member of Urban Infrastructure Lab since autumn 2019.
His research interests examine the role of various institutions on the transition to renewable and green energy infrastructure. Specifically, the role of New Institutional Economics (NIE) on reducing uncertainty while making the transition to renewable energy sources. In addition, he is interested in developing a Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and NIE framework for an efficient renewable energy infrastructure.
Aziz earned his B.S in Urban and Regional Planning from Imam Abdulrahman Ibn Faisal University in Saudi Arabia in 2009, M.S in Industrial Engineering Management from St. Mary’s University, Texas in 2012, and a Master Degree in Urban Planning from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2017.