Chin-Wei is a team member in the Urban Infrastructure Lab and nominated as a Fulbright Scholar from Taiwan since 2020. He is pursuing his Ph.D. in Urban Design and Planning at the College of Built Environments and serves as the committee member in the Campus Sustainability Fund at the University of Washington.
Chin-Wei’s research interest lies in the relationships among climate change adaptation, infrastructure planning, and resilience. He believes that lacking long-term climate policies and cross-professional agreement to tackle climate change worsen environmental damage caused by development. Only through the integration of social science and natural science could it be possible to develop feasible solutions to climate change. He is interested in a broad range of topics related to climate policy, including urban heat island effect in highly developed areas, local governance transitions toward a net-zero carbon world, infrastructure upgrade, and promoting social justice and resilience by community-based participation and actions. He earns a bachelor’s degree in Real Estate and Built Environment from National Taipei University, Taiwan. He holds a master’s study is in Urban Design and Planning from the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.